Forest City Gallery Artist and Arts Professional Survey

Welcome to the Forest City Gallery (FCG) Artist Survey! We are incredibly excited to have you here. Your input and your voice are vital to us as we strive to make our gallery a welcoming, productive, and inspiring place for artists and arts professionals like you. Your creative journey is unique, and we want to support you in the best way possible. This survey is your opportunity to let us know what resources, tools, and facilities would best enhance your creative practice and productivity.

We are dedicated to fostering a community where your voice can be heard and positively influence your experience as an artist at the FCG. Data collected from this survey will be analyzed and summarized by the FCG. Relevant findings will be used for informing our future programming and our requests for donors and sponsors.

All questions are optional, and your responses will be kept anonymous. If you wish to be entered into the draw for one of two $75 gift card sets for local businesses, your personal information will not be linked to your survey responses. The link at the end of the survey (after submission) will take you to another google form where you can enter your email or phone number.

The body of the survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Feel free to use the additional comment space at the end of the survey to elaborate on your responses, as well as offer additional suggestions.

*This form is intended for artists and art professionals (e.g. Curators and administrators) only. Please only answer questions that apply to your current circumstances.

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Your working and/or living area: (postcode/s)


Choose which best describes your current standing within the arts:


What is your professional practice routine?

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What type of tools do you use most frequently in your work? (Check all that apply)

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